Why get a hand-painted kitchen?
There are many types of finishes you can get when buying or updating a kitchen – wooden, laminate, spray-painted and hand-painted kitchens. We’ve been hand-painting kitchens since 1991 and get asked about finishes by our clients. In this blog we want to answer the two most frequent questions we get asked by our clients.
- What exactly is a hand-painted kitchen?
- Why get a hand-painted kitchen?
What is a hand-painted kitchen?

First, a quick story! I overheard two women talking in the paint shop about how expensive hand-painted kitchens can be, and one woman said to the other “You pay for the brush marks”. As an expert kitchen painter this made me laugh, but it could not be further from the truth. A properly hand-painted kitchen should have very few and fine brush strokes, if any! It is where the kitchen cabinets have several coats applied. Each coat is applied by hand and with every coat you get a certain depth. This depth can only be achieved by thinly applying paint layer after layer. It creates a certain visual warmth that can only be obtained by this process.
The differences between a hand-painted kitchen and other types of painted kitchens?

As mentioned above, a hand-painted kitchen is when each kitchen cabinet and door is hand-painted. There are other options when it comes to re-painting a kitchen. For instance, you can spray paint kitchen units. The difference is that when a kitchen is spray-painted, you look at the kitchen and see just that, a spray-finished kitchen. Whilst spray-painted kitchens have their merits, there is no comparison when you put a hand-painted kitchen cabinet next to a spray-painted kitchen one.
What are the benefits of getting a hand-painted kitchen?

- It can give an older kitchen a new lease of life.
- You can customise a kitchen to your specific tastes by hand-painting it.
- When you have a hand-crafted or bespoke kitchen, hand-painting it enhances the craftsmanship of the kitchen cabinets. This ensures the high quality can still be seen and appreciated.
- By hand-painting a kitchen, you can achieve a certain depth and warmth that can’t be achieved using other methods of painting.
Are you thinking of getting a hand-painted kitchen?
If you would like a hand-painted kitchen, then give Paul at Impressions Painting and Decorating a call on 087 270 4879 or fill in the contact form and we’ll get back to you.