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Hand-painted kitchen painters

Impressions Painting and Decorating

Bespoke hand-painted kitchen painters

At Impressions Painters and Decorators, we have been in business since 1991, so we are highly-experienced, hand-painted kitchen painters. We are meticulous when it comes to attention to detail and our gallery of painted kitchens will show you the high level of our work.

Using hand-painted kitchen painters for a new kitchen

Hand-painting a new kitchen brings a warmth to it that can’t always be achieved through other painting methods. If your new kitchen has been hand-crafted to your specifications, hand-painting it ensures the high level of craftsmanship in your bespoke kitchen will still be seen.

Why hand-painting an older kitchen?

Some kitchens are high-quality but after a few years they may look dated. In other instances, the wear and tear of family life can make it look a little haggard.

Re-painting a kitchen and the kitchen cabinets costs a fraction of the price of installing a new kitchen. We will bring your kitchen up-to-date, giving it a fresh look and feel by hand-painting your kitchen cabinets.

Why hand-paint an older kitchen?

Some kitchens are high-quality but after a few years they may look dated. In other instances, the wear and tear of family life can make it look a little haggard.

Re-painting a kitchen and the kitchen cabinets costs a fraction of the price of installing a new kitchen. We will bring your kitchen up-to-date, giving it a fresh look and feel by hand-painting your kitchen cabinets.

Visit our gallery to see more of our hand-painted kitchen work

Are you looking for reliable kitchen painters to hand-paint your kitchen?

Whether you have a new kitchen that needs its first coat of paint, or kitchen cabinets that need to be updated, we are the kitchen painters in Dublin for you.

Call us today for a
free quote!

Some of the other painting and decorating services we offer

hanging &
Interior house painting & decorating
Hall, stairs
& landing
Period house painting & restoration
Front door
& interior
door painting
Kitchen cabinet
& furniture painting
Living &
dining room painting


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