Should you use oil or water-based paint when painting exterior doors and windows?
For painting exterior doors and windows in the past, we have relied on oil-based primers, undercoats and finish paints. The new regulations in 2016 means that all of these paints will no longer be available. Some companies have been forward-thinking in this regard and have developed and perfected exterior water-based primers, undercoats and finish paints. Colourtrend have it covered!
We really tested this theory in the wilds of Co. Mayo where the weather is extremely harsh on the exterior finish of houses, as you can see from the example above. So we set out painting raw, sash windows and doors from scratch. Two years later we went to visit to continue further work, and the doors and windows were holding steady, a light sand, undercoat and an eggshell finish ensured many years more of protection from the elements.
Steps to painting an exterior door using water-based primers, undercoat and paint

Step 1. We stripped the door before priming.
Step 2. Then we sanded the door with emery paper, ensuring it was smooth and cleaned it with a damp cloth to remove any dust.
Step 3. Next, we primed it with Colourtrend primer.
Step 4. After priming the door, we applied two coats of an undercoat.
Step 4. We caulked all the gaps.
Step 5. Finally, we finished it with two coats of Colourtrend exterior eggshell.
Get in touch with Impressions Painting and Decorating today!
If you need your windows restored by expert painters and decorators then call Paul on 087 270 4879 or use the contact form.